Tuesday 22 April 2014

New layout: first scenery

The first signs of scenery appearing!

The last time I had a tunnel on a train set it was made of a shoe box, these have been formed out of the polystyrene sheets that I had bought to insulate the shed at our previous house, never imagined that they'd end up being part of my new layout!

Managed to clear some space in the garage to accommodate the new boards, although smaller than the last layout when assembled,  the new boards take up more space due to the extra height to accommodate the scenery, signals, station buildings etc.

Having finally stripped the last of the trackwork and electrics from the old boards, I finally made the tough decision to scrap the lot. Of all the old boards, only one section (two four foot boards hinged together) were really salvageable. Many of the derailments and nearly all of the uncoupling issues can be attributed to the old boards warping. They weren't reinforced and had to be screwed together to prevent further warpage, then we were bending sections of track to fit properly - not the best idea. Once all of the track was removed, the boards really weren't in a salvageable condition, so they've gone to the tip. Sad to see them go as many hours had been spent, not only constructing them but also modifying them to suit the changes we made to the old layout and repairing them when stock started to derail and uncouple. They've served me well over the years and hopefully the new layout will last just as well, if not a good deal longer as the new boards are of a stronger (and heavier) construction.

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