Monday 18 January 2016

A tale of two cities - part three

I always expected this to be a challenge and that to get this looking half decent would challenge my artistic skills (which aren't that great anyway) to the max.

Although I'm now reasonably experienced with waterslide transfers, the lining for the bottom of the body proved too difficult - it's much thinner than the original version and is applied in sections. As soon as the first section was applied, it began breaking up. I reached the point where I couldn't save the lining and pulled it off.

The cab sides in the kit are also different to the original HD version. I prefer the original look so I modified the design. This gives it a look that's half way between a Dublo and Wrenn version, so it can never be passed off as genuine.

With the cab side in place, I should be adding the numbers but due to the issue with the yellow linings, I'll wait until I'm completely satisfied with the results.

The body, with the yellow boiler band successfully applied and the lining painted in by hand.

At this distance, it doesn't look too bad but close up it's not good, certainly not good enough. 

Shortly after this picture was taken, I scraped it off and tried again using a different paint, again I wasn't happy with it.

I have now sourced a yellow touch-up paint with a pin nozzle, hopefully if I can keep my hands steady enough it'll produce a better result. Sadly my paint brushing technique still needs work.

More to follow...

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