Sunday 6 November 2016

Revamping the upper loop - part one

Having been planned for some time, and then repeatedly put off, we finally commenced the long overdue task of replacing the rear section of the upper loop as we have no more scheduled outings until January!

Although it's worked reasonably well over the last two years, there are a number of problems with it:
  1. It uses inner radius curves, which causes issues with longer trains
  2. It's primarily constructed from 6mm MDF, which is warping
  3. It's currently in four sections - more sections equals more problems
  4. It has only two sidings, We're running out of space!
So in order to conduct this task properly, we needed to fully assemble the layout first to ensure that the new upper section is accurately marked out and cut...

As we're using the large radius curves, some ballast on the front section had to be removed...

The new, wider radius is test fitted to ensure that it won't overhang too much...

This we can live with...

The replacement section is being fabricated from 9mm plywood - much stronger and less prone to warpage,,,

The track is laid onto the board so that we can draw around it...

And we can now fit a four road siding in place of the original two road...

Two coaches were used for gauge checking...

We could then draw the outline ready for cutting...

Space for a cup holder - essential!

Then out with the power tools...

The downside of this process it that lots of timber will be wasted...

Lots of timber wasted...

The track is then reinstated to check that everything still fits...

And then it's time to do the same thing at the other end...

 Marking out the other end...

Mid-way through cutting, the inner section is removed...

And the other end is now cut and tested...

We're now ready to install the middle section...

The kitchen legs from the original rear section proved really successful, so these were reclaimed but had to be located in different positions so that they don't interfere with the fiddle yard tracks...

The middle section is then cut to size - this is now one complete section. Currently this is in two parts and there's a pronounced sag in the middle. The single section, coupled with the wider and stronger timber should make the top loop a whole lot more reliable...

But the process generated a fair amount of mess!

Now the tracks and legs have to be removed so that the new sections can be painted to match the rest of the layout. Then the wiring will have to be altered and allowance made for three points at each end so the switch panel will also have to be updated.

More to follow...

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