Thursday 16 June 2016

Cost exercise

I am a bit of a hoarder - when I buy something and fix it I want to keep it for myself, even if that means that there isn't room in the stock box to transport it!

However, this year has been very expensive so far - after the first show this year I had the expense of replacing the transformers, ordering a spare Trax controller and then having to replace the transformers again with a lower current version because they were too powerful.

Then I decided that I needed a GWR tank, I have loads of tank engines but this one caught my eye and had to be bought.

Then we did an exhibition whereby the profits from the show were to be split between the exhibitors, that was four months ago and still no cheque :(

Then I decided that I really liked that blue Deltic (it has a light in it) and really needed one of my own, so sent off a scrap Deltic and a cheque, should see a shiny new model in about three months time.

Then I decided that I really should invest in a Ron Dodd magnetiser - the EMUs can't take neo magnets and as I seem to be getting more and more requests to do repairs, it seemed like a good investment, and it's a brilliant bit of kit!

Then I decided that I should invest in a Silhouette Portriat, the results of which have already been seen in previous posts and in the long-term will reduce the costs incurred with restoring locos.

All that little lot adds up, and we still need to invest in timber to replace the upper loop as planned several months ago but still not started.

I'm not made of money, the costs associated with this little lot have put a big dent in the bank balance. The layout needs to start paying its way. 

Now we know what happened the last time the railways were made to pay their way and I'm not about to do a Beeching on it, but it's time to re-evaluate the rolling stock and sell on some of the items that are no longer required. A tough choice and undoubtedly something that I may regret in the long-run but I need to recoup some costs...

First to go was the blue & grey Bachmann 2EPB- I have (had) three EPB units, along with a CEP. When we had the old layout, these were essential. The old layout, with its warped boards, dodgy track laying and centre operation meant that there were constant uncouplings and derailments. The Bachman EMUs saved my sanity and were put out every time I needed a break. Their bar couplings meaning that they never came apart!

They've seen occasional use on the new layout, starting originally on the shuttle before it was modified (then they couldn't be used) and as the HD EMU collection has grown and the reliability of the new layout has increased, these have become surplus to requirements, often being run purely for the sake of keeping everything lubricated. Although people are impressed to see modern stock converted, we don't need so many of them and I'm sure folks would rather see genuine, or neverwas items rather than new stock that can be seen on any OO gauge layout.

After completing the sale on the blue & grey EPB, I decided to evaluate the blue version with a view to selling it. Sadly it hit an unseen obstruction on the loft test track and pole-vaulted itself off the track and over the side, crashing onto the loft floor. It now shows a dead-short so will need some attention and has possibly bought itself a permanent stay.

Next to go was the Wrenn 8F - one of the newest acquisitions, it doesn't really enjoy being double-headed with the other 8F, I don't have any need for three of them so the other 8F has been reinstated and this one put back to two rail, reunited with its box and sold.

Next to go is this GWR tank. It's not running on the rescued chassis from the scrapheap project, that I still have. This one never goes out on the layout and has spent most of its life in the loft gathering dust. It's a repaint, quite a good one but I didn't repaint it and I have more than enough of my own now.

And probably the one that I will regret the most - 80059.

A rare model, one that I'd been trying to find for some time but it's quite playworn. In the beginning this would have been fine but as I slowly work through my rolling stock, this is now one of the worst looking 2-6-4s in the stock box. For me to restore it could potentially devalue it, which I'm not prepared to do - I can take any ordinary 2-6-4 body with the technology I now have and create my own version much cheaper. So this has also gone to a better home.

Thankfully all of these sold at a profit. The object of the exercise isn't to turn this into a money making cash-cow. The layout needs to be able to fund some of the project work. I may invest in some scrap locos and make transfers to restore them, then sell them on for a profit. That way there would always be spare funds available as and when required for repairs or upgrades.

At the time of writing, I have just listed one of the blue EMUs. Again a very difficult decision but these run best in six car formations. Nine is a little too much and as I now have the recently completed blue & grey EMU, I now have two, six car sets. With hindsight, the third blue set should have been made as blue & grey but it's now up for sale and will be interesting to see if it reaches its reserve. I'm certainly not desperate enough to give it away and it'll aways have more value to me than anyone else. It won't be the end of the world if it doesn't sell.

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