Tuesday 17 January 2017


It's been debated privately for some months, but now with the transportation arrangements sorted, and with sufficient trailer space remaining, it's possible to accommodate an additional 5ft extension to the layout.

The extension needs to be optional so that we can still be accommodated at smaller venues. When the turntable was replaced last year, we made sure that all the tracks between the two board sections were straightened, making the possibility of extending easier to achieve. 

The hope is to include two engine sheds within the new design, these may sit either side of the line running to the turntable. The extra siding space is much needed due to the growing number of locomotives. The left hand side of the extension will see the installation of a single road level crossing, hopefully with automated gates.

The initial SCARM drawing calls for thirty pieces of straight track in the lower section alone. That doesn't include the rear fiddle yard or the upper loop.

So far I've amassed sufficient straight track, dowel pins, electrical connectors, stone wall for the extended upper loop and there is still leftover polystyrene from the original build. Next job will be to acquire timber and then work can begin. We managed to build the layout in under five months, so two new boards will be dead simple, won't it..?

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