Tuesday 10 May 2016

Project Hogwarts - part one

I'm not a massive Harry Potter fan but I have sat through most of the films!

Prompted by the recent appearance on Ebay of a Bristol Castle that had been rather crudely painted red, I was mindful of the Hogwarts Castle locomotive.

A bit more research shows that the actual locomotive used is a Hall class (even though it's called Hogwarts CASTLE) but the model version produced by Hornby is a Castle locomotive.

I could cheat and put a modern, plastic body onto a three rail chassis, but that would be too easy!

What I need is a long-term project...

I have red paint left over from the City of Liverpool, it just needs to be a shade lighter - using a white primer should overcome this.

I also need a scrap body - this was a Bristol Castle and has just spent the night in a tray of Cillit Bang (quite effective)

Now for transfers - these don't seem to be commercially available so I'll have to be creative and make my own, including the tender crest.

For now I've managed to create the nameplate banner and cabside numbers using my PC:

...and did a quick test print to check the dimensions:

So far so good, but a long way to go yet...

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