Monday, 7 September 2015

More layout mods - part two

More progress since the last update...

The two workmen have been busy! 

A new bank has been added, using polystyrene, modrock and moss. The solenoid of the uncoupler is hard to camouflage but by painting the casing green (after I'd lovingly sprayed it black!) and hiding most of it within the scenery, it blends in rather well...

Only a week since the last pictures were taken, you would never know that there was ever an additional rail, two pairs of points or a diamond crossover here!

Although it's a shame to lose the complicated (but smart looking) track arrangement, the changes here should make a big difference to the reliability of the layout. This was by far the weakest part of the whole layout.

The stone-work at the back of the turntable sidings has been stripped back, treated with PVA and repainted, no more cracks or flaky bits!

And some coal added for extra realism!

I take no credit for any of the scenery work seen here. My job is to rewire underneath and add the automatic signal sequencers work has already begun on this)

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