Saturday 26 December 2015

Blue & Grey EMU - part four

Time to finish work on the rear coach and complete the set.

The cab front arrived shortly before Christmas, it's clearly not an original but it will do for now.

I abandoned attempts to repair one of the roofs that came with the three bodies and concentrated on another with a chunk missing from the front, again using epoxy repair putty.

After leaving it to set I sanded it down to a reasonable profile and then resprayed. The cab front was also painted. On the first attempt some kind of reaction occurred and the paint bubbled so it was stripped and primed again. Even now it's not perfect but will do for now and as it's the rear-facing end it won't be so visible - especially if I manage to make another three car set to tow behind these!

As a precaution however I haven't glued the roof into position so that if I ever manage to source a better cab front and / or roof, they can be swapped quite easily.

And that's the cosmetic work done - a far cry from how these looked when the first arrived: 

Two broken couplings replaced and then ready for a test drive around the loft:

Sadly there isn't much strength in the magnet so some mechanical work will be needed. You can't fit neo magnets to the EMUs without carrying out further modifications, so I'll either be looking for a better magnet or someone with a magnetiser, or of course I could treat myself to one...

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